Tuesday, November 3, 2009

An Actor That Acts

I've been hesitant to put up my first blog, I've even changed the titled of this blog three times! Perfectionism has kept me closed in it's firm grasp.

BUT I know I've found the right title at last: "What If They Say Yes?"
I had just left my MasterMind Meeting of brilliant women, a group where we inspire, release, listen, laugh, create, and hold each other accountable for our careers in the arts. I was talking to one woman about asking Meryl Streep for a short telephone meeting, a guru meeting, and I turned to her and asked "What if they say no?" I was preparing myself for a stream of answers to flow from her mouth, such as "It's Ok, you can then ask someone else" or "Just making the call is worth it" or "Try again". Instead what I got was, a brief pause. Then a face whose smile lit it up as the words "What if they say yes?" escaped from its mouth. Giddiness immediately arouse from me and I knew what my blog would be titled.

This simple change of perspective has inspired me to finally write in my blog. A blog about my life as an Actor.

I welcome You! Thanks for Reading.

Love, Kara Marie


  1. yay yay yay yay yay!

  2. So proud of you. This is really courageous and you are doing it. Super rock star.xoxoxoxox Arriane

  3. Sweet and Fresh!
    You have a sweet, fresh voice. Look forward to reading more! Yes!

  4. Great intro. I look forward to reading and living 'the life' right along with you.

  5. You seem so focused now Kara. I look forward to hearing about your many successes.

  6. i am so proud of you!!!!!!! can't wait to read more!

  7. What a great title. I look forward to reading about what people say yes to.
